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Gothic [1] | Gothic 2 [1] | Gothic 3 [1] |
Risen [0] | Gothic 4 Arcania [0] |
В разделе объявлений: 3 Показано объявлений: 1-3 |
Трек лист: 01- Titletheme 02- Location Gothic2 Theme 03- Myrtana Explore 04- Myrtana Fight 05- Faring 06- Ominous Woods 07- Vista Point 08- Geldern 09- Location Gothic1 Theme 10- Slaves 11- Vista Harp 12- Silden 13- Trelis 14- Arena 15- Vengard 16- Fight Rejected 17- Arena Fight 18- Myrtana Revolution 19- Sad Strings 20- Myrtana at Night 21- Varant at Night 22- Varant Desert 23- Braga 24- Oasis 25- Ishtar 26- Ruinfields 27- The Dig 28- Assasination 29- Death Valley 30- Slave Tower 31- Beliar Temple 32- Northmar Frost Canyons 33- Northmar Highs. 34- Highlands 35- Ancestor Dungeon 36- Dungeon Fight 37- Ominous Woods at Night 38- Vulcan Forge 39- Vulcan Fight 40- Orc Camp.ogg 41- Monastery 42- Crystal Cave 43- Lovely Location 44- Idyllic Location 45- Spooky Location 1 46- Spooky Location 2 47- Search for Xardas 48- Xardas Tower 49- Beliar End Choice 50- Soul Travel 51- Showdown 52- Leaving Myrtana 53- Innos End Choice Скачать: depositfiles.com |
Трек лист: 00 - Installation - [installation] 01 - Titelthema - [title theme] 02 - Menü - [menu] 03 - Xardas Turm - [Xardas tower] 04 - Lobards Hof - [Lobard farm] 05 - Khorinis Stadt - [city of Khorinis] 06 - Garnisionsappell - [garrison duty] 07 - Neue Inselwelt - [new isle world] 08 - Kampf - [battle] 09 - Lesters Tal - [valley of Lester] 10 - Jagd und Beute - [hunt and prey] 11 - Liesel das Schaf - [sheep Liesel] 12 - Kloster - [monastery] 13 - Klosterkapelle - [monastery chapel] 14 - Friedhof - [graveyard] 15 - Krypta - [crypt] 16 - Banditenversteck - [bandits hideout] 17 - Banditenzank - [bandit brawl] 18 - Leuchtturm - [lighthouse] 19 - Düsterwald - [dark forest] 20 - Schwarztroll - [black troll] 21 - Pyramidental - [pyramid valley] 22 - Mayatanz - [maya dance] 23 - Minentalpass - [mine valley pass] 24 - Hinterhalt - [ambush] 25 - Altes Minental - [old mine valley] 26 - Orkattacke - [ork attack] 27 - Burgerstürmung - [castle assault] 28 - Schiff der Paladine - [paladine ship] 29 - Schiffsreise - [ship trip] 30 - Irdorath - [isle of Irdorath] 31 - Drachenhort - [dragon location] 32 - Drachenattacke - [dragon attack] 33 - Untoter Drache - [undead dragon] 34 - Fischfutter - [fish food] 35 - Rückkehr (Extro) - [retire] 36 - Abspann - [credits] 37 - Saufgelage - [tavern soak] 38 - Nadia - [Nadia] 39 - Heldenkuss - [love scene] 40 - Abspann2 - [credits2] NDR - 01 - Titel - [title] NDR - 02 - Menü - [menu] NDR - 03 - Jharkendar - [Jharkendar] NDR - 04 - Tempelgeister - [temple ghosts] NDR - 05 - Steinwächter - [stone guards] NDR - 06 - Vergessene Welt - [forgotten world] NDR - 07 - Piratenlager - [pirats camp] NDR - 08 - Canyon - [canyon] NDR - 09 - Bibliothek - [library] NDR - 10 - Sumpf - [swamp] NDR - 11 - Banditenlager - [bandits camp] NDR - 12 - Adanostempel - [temple of Adanos] NDR - 13 - Tempelportal - [temple portal] NDR - 14 - Rabenduell - [raven duel] NDR - 15 - Rabenzorn - [raven wraith] NDR - 16 - Rabengericht - [raven doom] NDR - 17 - Abspann - [credits] Скачать: depositfiles.com |
Трек лист: 00 - Installation - [installation] 01 - Titelthema - [title theme] 02 - Minental - [mine valley] 03 - Bestienjagd - [beast hunt] 04 - Altes Lager - [old camp] 05 - Kampfarena - [battle arena] 06 - Minental nachts - [mine valley nights] 07 - Nächtliche Pirsch - [night hunt] 08 - Alte Mine - [old mine] 09 - Neues Lager - [new camp] 10 - Kneipenzank - [bar brawl] 11 - Der Erzhaufen - [ore heap] 12 - Freie Mine - [free mine]. 13 - Nachtwache - [night watch] 14 - Sektenlager - [swamp camp] 15 - Sumpfhaijagd - [swampshark hunt] 16 - Sektenlager nachts - [swamp at night] 17 - Sektentempel - [swamp temple] 18 - Fokussuche - [focus quest] 19 - Minecrawler - [mine crawlers] 20 - Minecrawler-Königin - [mine crawler queen] 21 - Orklager - [ork camp]. 22 - Orktempel - [ork temple] 23 - Erzklinge Uriziel - [ore blade Uriziel] 24 - Schläfererweckung - [sleepers awakening] 25 - Abspann - [credits] Скачать: depositfiles.com |